Monday, November 2, 2009

What to do when your ISP has trouble?

Why, digi-scrapping of course! Yesterday (Sunday) I was going crazy checking my PC every 10 minutes to see if I could get online yet. No joy for the entire day. You all know it was the first day of a new month and that means CHALLENGES! I was suffering severe withdrawal symptons like a junkie, I'm sure. (I actually have no first-hand knowledge of this, just what I see on TV and thank goodness for that, I say.) Anyway, I produced three, count 'em, three layouts while waiting.

First up is a Scraplift Challenge from Gotta Pixel. It was the words "Live, Love, Laugh" that we needed to use on the layout. My DH, John, isn't thrilled with his picture, but you know what, I love it. It just seems to sum up his fun-filled personality. We have some great laughs together and I actually depend on that. Eureka moment, here!

Silly Snowman Gang by Kathryn Estry

Then it was a Mini-Madness challenge at Inspiration Lane. When a designer creates a kit that makes you remember fond memories, they've done their job to perfection. This kit did it for me, making me remember good stuff even though the situation was difficult for many.

Winter Blanket by Christie Lemon Designs (CLD)

And, finally, the Surprise Challenge at Elemental Scraps. The 'surprise' was to create a monochromatic layout in blacks, greys, creams or browns. I chose a brown/cream colour scheme using black and white photos.

Template: Sketchology - Word Salad #1 by Bella Gypsy
Simply Solids, BSPP Tornworn by Sherri Tierney
Special Edition by BZB Designs

Not a bad day's work, I guess. Maybe if I applied the same efforts to housekeeping, I'd be a star!

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